Welcome to The Broken Journey!
Aug. 31, 2021

Facing Fear

Facing Fear

Nothing destroys a relationship more thoroughly than deception.  When deceptions runs deep in the relationship you can count on some serious issues developing and touching lives far beyond the initial relationship. 

Jacob and Esau had a relationship that was fraught with deception.  Jacob deceived his brother and father by stealing the birthright of his brother.  He fled in fear for his life, because when push came to shove he did not want to face the music of his actions.  The day came in Genesis 33 that Jacob had to return home to claim what was his and had to face the music with his brother. 

Genesis 33 through 35 tells us an interesting story.  When Jacob faced the fear of seeing his brother again, he found forgiveness.  In chapter 35 Jacob returns to Bethel and changes its name from the *place of God* to El Bethel, *the God of the house*. 

Whatever fears, or doubts, or failures may exist in our lives the only way we can ever recover the blessings that we are missing is to return to the God of the house.  Before we ever see the God of the house though, we will always have to walk through the door of forgiveness, and before we can walk through that door we must face the music in our lives.

Walking in places we have never been is scary, but living in places we weren't meant to be is worse.  I encourage you to look at your life today.  What doors are waiting for you to walk through them, better yet what blessings wait on the other side.